Monday, December 9, 2013

Give To Jesus What He Wants - Our Miseries!

It is great to have time to write about the Divine Will. I know it is God who wants to do it and not me. I am following His inspiration to share with you what He wants. Learning about it is very important. Remember, Knowledge plus Desire will open the door to be able for us to live in the Divine Will. 

But before I proceed, how are you doing living in the Divine Will? Did you make a decision this morning, to start your day, following the "five steps", forgetting yourself and allowing Jesus to act for you and do what He wants? Did you say to Jesus I LOVE YOU with all your heart to the beautiful sunrise, to the flowers in your garden, to all the colorful yellow leaves falling from the tree, etc.? 

These are just a few questions that will make us attentive in listening to the voice of Jesus in every beat of our hearts. Hope that we are continuously connected to God's Will by living in it.

I remember when Jesus said to Luisa that He uses our own miseries and weaknesses to bring forth His Divine Will. He needs something that is not His, like the soil to cover the seed to make it grow. He needs our miserable will so that He can plant the seed of the Divine Will in us and transform us to be like Him. 

What Jesus wants to see in our hearts is our good intention. Our desire to live in His Will. That is enough and He will do all the rest. Even if we are surrounded with our miseries but with a heart full of the desire to live like Jesus, that is enough!

So cheer up if you found the truth about who you are….a broken soul….a misery. Just accept it with LOVE and give it to Jesus then peace will reign over your heart so that the Divine Will of God can find a perfect environment to let it reign in you. 

Read what Jesus said…. 
"...I prepare the little trenches, I form the furrows, I enlarge the capacity of her intelligence to be able to sow my divine word, and therefore form the food for Me and for her; then I cover the little trenches and the furrows with earth - which is humility, nothingness, the annihilation of the soul, some little weakness or misery of hers. This is earth, and it is necessary that I take it from her because I lack this earth; and so I cover everything and I wait with joy for my harvest…." 
Book of Heaven vol. 14, March 3, 1922, The Celestial Farmer sows His word.

Most of the time too much of everything is not good. The same way if we keep on focusing on our miseries, weaknesses, etc. we become disturb and we feed our own ego instead of letting it die. The seed of God's Will can not grow. Jesus needs to see in us more than humility which is nothingness where there is nothing human. He uses this like little soil to cover over the seed of God's Will which makes it germinate and grow. 

Read what Jesus said…
"...And I: ‘My Love, am I one of these?’ And He: “No, no - one who does my Will is not subject to forming earth that suffocates my seed; rather, many times I find not even humility, but only their nothingness, which produces little earth, and I can only place one layer of it over my seed. And the Sun of my Will quickly fecundates it; and it germinates, and I make great harvests, to then quickly return to sow my seed again. And besides, you can be sure of this; don’t you see how so very often I return to sow new seeds of truths into your soul?”…"
Book of Heaven vol. 14, March 3, 1922, The Celestial Farmer sows His word.

It is important to recognize the truth about ourselves, our "miseries" then accept it with love so that we will be ready to offer it to Jesus. Doing this our nothingness wll be formed which is the greatest thing we can offer to Jesus so that His Divine Will can be created to live in us. 


Volumes and teachings of the Divine Will: 

Divine Will Knowledge & Prayers: 

Divine Life Is Now: 

My Peace Inspired Paintings: 

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