Monday, December 9, 2013

Give To Jesus What He Wants - Our Miseries!

It is great to have time to write about the Divine Will. I know it is God who wants to do it and not me. I am following His inspiration to share with you what He wants. Learning about it is very important. Remember, Knowledge plus Desire will open the door to be able for us to live in the Divine Will. 

But before I proceed, how are you doing living in the Divine Will? Did you make a decision this morning, to start your day, following the "five steps", forgetting yourself and allowing Jesus to act for you and do what He wants? Did you say to Jesus I LOVE YOU with all your heart to the beautiful sunrise, to the flowers in your garden, to all the colorful yellow leaves falling from the tree, etc.? 

These are just a few questions that will make us attentive in listening to the voice of Jesus in every beat of our hearts. Hope that we are continuously connected to God's Will by living in it.

I remember when Jesus said to Luisa that He uses our own miseries and weaknesses to bring forth His Divine Will. He needs something that is not His, like the soil to cover the seed to make it grow. He needs our miserable will so that He can plant the seed of the Divine Will in us and transform us to be like Him. 

What Jesus wants to see in our hearts is our good intention. Our desire to live in His Will. That is enough and He will do all the rest. Even if we are surrounded with our miseries but with a heart full of the desire to live like Jesus, that is enough!

So cheer up if you found the truth about who you are….a broken soul….a misery. Just accept it with LOVE and give it to Jesus then peace will reign over your heart so that the Divine Will of God can find a perfect environment to let it reign in you. 

Read what Jesus said…. 
"...I prepare the little trenches, I form the furrows, I enlarge the capacity of her intelligence to be able to sow my divine word, and therefore form the food for Me and for her; then I cover the little trenches and the furrows with earth - which is humility, nothingness, the annihilation of the soul, some little weakness or misery of hers. This is earth, and it is necessary that I take it from her because I lack this earth; and so I cover everything and I wait with joy for my harvest…." 
Book of Heaven vol. 14, March 3, 1922, The Celestial Farmer sows His word.

Most of the time too much of everything is not good. The same way if we keep on focusing on our miseries, weaknesses, etc. we become disturb and we feed our own ego instead of letting it die. The seed of God's Will can not grow. Jesus needs to see in us more than humility which is nothingness where there is nothing human. He uses this like little soil to cover over the seed of God's Will which makes it germinate and grow. 

Read what Jesus said…
"...And I: ‘My Love, am I one of these?’ And He: “No, no - one who does my Will is not subject to forming earth that suffocates my seed; rather, many times I find not even humility, but only their nothingness, which produces little earth, and I can only place one layer of it over my seed. And the Sun of my Will quickly fecundates it; and it germinates, and I make great harvests, to then quickly return to sow my seed again. And besides, you can be sure of this; don’t you see how so very often I return to sow new seeds of truths into your soul?”…"
Book of Heaven vol. 14, March 3, 1922, The Celestial Farmer sows His word.

It is important to recognize the truth about ourselves, our "miseries" then accept it with love so that we will be ready to offer it to Jesus. Doing this our nothingness wll be formed which is the greatest thing we can offer to Jesus so that His Divine Will can be created to live in us. 


Volumes and teachings of the Divine Will: 

Divine Will Knowledge & Prayers: 

Divine Life Is Now: 

My Peace Inspired Paintings: 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Value Of The Cross

The passion of Jesus is not only experience during the Holy Week but also in all moments of time and eternity. This is the perfect time to ask these questions to ourselves.

Am I in a difficult situation right now? Am I experiencing hardships in life? We have ups and downs in our daily lives struggling to get away from the cross that burdens us. Most of us have crosses but little that we know the value of it.

In the lesson that Jesus wrote below He said that the cross will make us beautiful and rich.

The cross is a sign that God loves us. We have to embrace it because we are suffering with
Jesus! It is difficult, however if we know the truth behind this we
will see it in a different way. We will have
the grace to accept it in a manner that we will have peace.

Jesus said in the Book Of Heaven, Sept. 14, 1899, Volume-1

..."He told me many things about the virtue of the cross. I don’t remember all, but just a few things: “My beloved, do you want to be beautiful? The cross will give you the most beautiful features that can possibly be found, both in Heaven and on earth; so much so, as to enamor God, who contains all beauties within Himself.” Jesus continued: “Do you want to be filled with immense riches - not for a short time, but for all eternity? Well then, the cross will administer to you all kinds of riches - from the tiniest cents, which are the little crosses, up to the greatest amounts, which are the heavier crosses...

..."My beloved, in the cross are all the triumphs, all the victories, and the greatest gains. You must have no aim other than the cross, and it will be enough for you, in everything"...


How much more if we are living in the Divine Will, we experience the
real crucifixion of Jesus in us. Doing so our cross expand and reach to our love ones and
everyone around us. We receive its beneficial graces
and we give it to all. When we suffer we no longer experince
pain but we see joy in pain. We no longer feel lonely but we see
hapiness in our sufferings. Because our will is no longer there
but the Divine Will of Jesus suffering for us and for all.

God sees Jesus suffering in us. He will never
refuse to answer our prayers becuase he sees
Jesus calling Him for us.

In addition our will is no longer in us but have risen
with the resurreciton of Jesus. We are then delivered from
the slavery of our wills. So when we suffer we see the joy in suffering.

We can literally say that, "My night is over"...our weaknesses, our loneliness, our fears, our miseries, our pains, are over! We are no longer a slave of our wills.

Have a blessed day!  

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Make Your Prayers Heard!

Most of the time we wonder if our prayers are heard
or not...if these intentions which we asked will be can we make God hear them...etc. Do you
want to know the secret on how can we get the attention
of God to see our prayers? How can we bring our prayers
to the top of God's prayer list?

The works and passion of Jesus Christ have something to do to
bring our prayers to God's eyes. The secret is we have to cover
ourselves and intentions with the works, wounds, blood and
passion of Jesus Christ. This is how Mother Mary and the saints
pray. It is so powerful before the heart of God that He will never
refuse to give what we ask according to His Will because He sees
the same Jesus, His son, in our soul. In other words by living
in the Divine Will and being conscious of His works and passion
will bring us to this state.

We can say it this way, "In behalf of all with your Divine Will
Jesus, I surround myself with your life and passion. In behalf of
all with your Divine Will Jesus, I surround my intentions (name them
here) with your life and passion. In behalf of all with your Divine
Will Jesus, I present these before your Majesty dear God.
Hear and answer my prayers."


Learn from what Mother Mary says:

Vol. 2 June 15, 1916 Book Of Heaven

...."Therefore, my daughter, surround your head with
the thorns of Jesus; dress your soul with His Blood; adorn
yourself with His Wounds; transfix your hands and feet with
His nails. And as another Christ, present yourself before
His Divine Majesty. This spectacle will move Him in such
a way that He will not know how to refuse anything to the
soul dressed with His very own uniform. But, oh, how
little do creatures know of how to make use of the gifts
which my son has given them!

These were my prayers upon the earth and these are the
same ones in Heaven."....


Jesus is the teacher.
I'm just his broken instrument!

God bless you,
brother Jude

Divine Will Knowledge:

Divine Life Is Now:

My Peace Inspired Paintings:

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Five Steps To Live In The Divine Will

How are you doing?

We had a blessed time when we discussed the lessons on how to
live in God's Divine Will few days ago. Below are the 5 steps to be
able to live in the Divine Will. I know some of us know this already
but as we read it again and again we will learn new wisdom. Read it and
understand them by heart. If you know this by heart you can say this in
very simple words in the beginning of our day and everytime we want to
go back to live in the Divine Will.

To live in the Divine Will is not a devotion, it is a way of life.
You can be in your own vocation (married, single, teacher, doctor,
housewife, etc.) and existing life situation (joyful or in pain) as God
wills it but the difference is that you allow the Will of Jesus to live
in you. Your life becomes a prayer and holy. I will be sending you some
of the notes on the other subjects that we talked about before. Thanks
and have a blessed day!

Jesus is the teacher.
I'm just his broken instrument!



The greatest gift that God gave us is the Divine Will! In order to
pocess this we have to desire it. It doesn't matter whether you found
yourself the most sinful and misserable of all. Jesus said just desire
to live in the Divine Will and that is enough! He looks at our hearts
and want to see that we desire Him.

When we desire the totality of the power of our soul is operating.
With this we have to know that we have the power of freedom. Our soul
is compose of 3 powers. The "will", "intellect" and "memories". He
created us in His image and likeness so these 3 powers make us similar
to Him. God wants that this power is use to live in His Will. When
we "desire" our "intention" is move to want something. We have to
want to live in His Will!


We have to be pure in order that the Divine Will can live in us.
Jesus wants to see that our heart is similar to Him. Pure and sinless!
He wants to find His own environment in us so He can live His life in
us. We have to be sorry for our sins and if necessary confess our sins
by means of the sacrament of confession. Plus we have to forgive others,
ourselves and God.


Accept the truth about ourselves: that we are a sinner, we are nothing
without God, we are a missery, we are broken, we are weak, etc. Most of
the time we deny this truth and by doing so we are full of ourselves.
There is no room for God to work in us. Accepting this truth will shower
to us the grace of true humility. Pride blocks the truth so that is why
sometimes God allows trials and mortification in ourlives to empty our
hearts and to make us spiritualize where we can totally embrace our own
nothingness. Read this scripture 2 Corinthians 12:5-10.


God needs an empty space, our nothingness, in order that He can create
His Kingdom in us the DIVINE WILL of God. The same way as the sculptor
need an empty table so he can create his masterpiece. If there is any
clutter on the table he need to clean it so he can create with
inspiration no distractions. In this part the void of our soul is
totally empty by recognizing our nothingness. Then we become fully
spiritualize that matter or material is no longer our focus. The same
way we need to be spiritualized to be able to mingle with God who is
pure spirit. God is waiting for us to use the power of freedom that He
gave us by means of offering our nothingness to Him. He will eagerly
accept our offering and ready to create His Divine Will in the voidness
of our soul.


Consecrate our human will to the Divine Will. God really awaits
this from our own willingness. Read the consecration prayer in the
Divine Will prayer book or go to and find it
in the left side of the website. This consecration prayer should be
prayed with the heart with no attachment what so ever. After you
consecrate your will to the Divine Will your life begins in the
Will of God. After this act the hearbeat of Jesus begins in your own
heartbeat and all the acts you do becomes the act of Jesus. These
acts are greater than heaven and earth. Your life is no longer
human but divine. Your will becomes one with God! You partake
in the creation, redemption and sanctification of God.

As God created the universe so that man can have a habitat
God created the soul so that He can have a habitat in His
creation. Jesus wants to taste how delicious is the apple He
created as we eat it in His Will. He wants to smell the sweet
scent of the rose that he created as we smell it in His Will.


1) Live in the present moment. The Will of God
is operating in the eternal NOW.

2) Avoid thinking about the worries of the future or
thinking about the regrets of the past.

3) Accept with love whatever is given to you in the present moment.

4) Be attentive interiorly and exteriorly to be aware of the
present moment to embrace God's Will.

5) Avoid sin


Jesus is the teacher.
I'm just his broken instrument!

God bless you,
brother Jude

Divine Will Knowledge:

Divine Life Is Now:

My Peace Inspired Paintings:

Friday, June 19, 2009

You Are The Light Of The World!

How are you doing? Have we applied the knowledge
we have learned since then? Jesus is teaching us
to digest the knowledge we've learned before.
Do you remember what we have learned so far in
Living in His Will? Below is an additional
knowledge we have to be aware of.

Have you ever notice that when a person says to you,
"your presence makes me feel peaceful and happy"...
"you became an instrument to comfort me in my problems"...
"I feel comfortable to be around you"...

This is because if we live in the Divine Will we
become the instrument of God's help, light, happiness,
etc. to others. Not only in the external way but
also in the spiritual way, likewise, not only to
ourselves but also to the whole world.

Jesus said in the Book Of Heaven
volume 12, Page 223 Oct. 12, 1920:

Who Lives In The Divine Will Is In The Same
Position As Jesus Of Giving Light And Heat
To Everyone, While No One Except Jesus Can
Give Him Anything.

..."So it happens to who lives in my Volition.
Putting herself in my conditons, and the Sun
of my Volition being in her, it is she who must
give light, heat, help, reassurance and comfort.
Thus I alone am your help; and you, from within
my Volition, will help the others."



Worries, fears, resentments and other
forms of negativities are hindrances to
enter the life in the Divine Will.

Are you worried at this moment? Embrace
the present moment with Jesus and you will
be at peace! In the present moment there
is no problem only peace.

The best way to avoid negativities is by living
in the present moment with love and accepting whatever
situation is presented to us at that moment. The present
is where we embrace the eternal NOW (the Divine Will)
of God. There is no fear of the future or the past in
the "NOW". There is no problem in the present.
Peace alone is experience!

Thanks and God bless!

God bless,
bro. Jude

Divine Will Knowledge:

Divine Life Is Now:

My Peace Inspired Paintings:

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Forget The Earth! Be At Peace!

How is everything! Hope all is well with you.
How are you feeling right now? Are you worried?
Are you stressed! If you found yourself in one of
these that means that your thoughts are in the future
or the past. You are not in the present. You are
not aware of God's Divine Will. You are
in the world or I should say you are
in the earth.

Jesus said, in The Book Of Heaven
Volume 33 Nov. 19, 1933


To whom enters My Will, I whisper to the ear of
her heart.....FORGET THE is already
not yours, from now on you will SEE ONLY HEAVEN.

The beginning act forms the way. Performing your
acts in My Will forms the train and when I see
the train formed, I do as a motor in order to
put her in a fast walk.


Forget your worries, stress, despair, fears,
loneliness, etc. These are not of Heaven.
To live in the Divine Will is all joy and peace.
You will discover this in the present moment.

Remember if you worry you loose the present.
You are not in the aura of the presence of Jesus.
The present moment is where the Will of God is
being presented to you.

To live in the Divine Will is to be attentive
in every present moment and accepting what is in
the moment with the act of holy love. Not thinking
on your future worries or past. Doing so your worries
will disappear. You will be at peace.

If you will analyze it, you do not really have a problem.
Your problem is the illusion of your mind (human will)
that brings the thought of the future worries or the past.
The effects are anxieties, depression, fears, etc.
Be in the present and you will notice that the
problem is not existing. You will accompany and embrace
Jesus in the present. If you are in pain you will find
peace and if you are happy your happiness will
be glorious. Be in the present and Jesus will heal
your past and fix your future to be good.

What we have learned above is the lesson that we have
shared few days ago. This is an inspiration of the Holy
Spirit where we have to practice in our daily lives
by living in His Divine Will.

Remember what Jesus said:

FORGET THE is already
not yours, from now on you will SEE ONLY HEAVEN....


Isn't that beautiful! We will only see Heaven!
All will be God's Will. Until our next lesson.
Have a blessed day!

Praise be Jesus,
bro. Jude

Teachings About the Divine Will:

Holy and Divine Love:

My Spiritual Paintings:



How are you doing! Hope all is well with you. It's been a while
since we have not shared each other about the Divine Will. I believe
this is God's Will so that we will have to remember what He taught us
and practice to learn how to use them in our daily lives.

This moment thru God's inspiration, we will study how to live a positive
attitude and possessing the blessings of God by living in the Divine
Will. The truth is that the human will has a nature of negative attitude
(worries, fear, sadness, etc.). The Divine Will has the nature of
positive attitude (peace, courage, confidence, joy, etc.). Jesus by
nature have a positive attitude in all ways. Before we proceed please
reflect on these divine wisdom below:


My daughter, by doing the Divine Will, we become true children of the
great Lady, and we are transformed into Tabernacles, in which Jesus
forms His residence; and then everything we do is sacred, everything is
prayer, even the most indifferent things. By doing the Divine Will, the
very natural things necessary to our life, are transformed into prayer,
adoration and love for our sweet Jesus, because by doing His Will,
everything we do is holy, everything is love, and so our being

From the Letters of Luisa Piccarreta


One aspect that is very important in living in the Divine Will is to
recognize that we have the 3 powers of our soul. If you still recall,
they are: will, intellect and memory. These are the gifts that God gave
us and made us similar to Him. These are the very essence that make us
alive. This is like the engine that makes the car work. We don't realize
that we have this power within us which we have to be thankful for that
makes us live always confident and positive.

So great are these powers that we are transformed to become to be
whatever we think in our minds. If we think negative everything becomes
misserable in us but if we think positive we become well and good. We
open the door of the real blessings of Jesus in the Divine Will that is
waiting to be given to us.

When Adam and eve fall into sin we inherited the original sin and made
the three powers of our soul misserable. We learned only to use these in
a negative way or in a human way. We use our minds to only think about
our own selves, worry about anything, depress, fearful, thinking about
the past, etc.

If we live in the Divine Will our three powers of our soul become
divine. The only thing that we only know is to think about doing good,
always happy, joyful and peaceful and we do this also even in times of
our trials. What we want we will get it because it is already the desire
of God which is always good. We have the disposal of God's power. If we
want happiness, we get it right away. If we want peace we get it
immediately. If we want protection, we posess it. If we want prospserity
we get it right away, etc. All of these will happen according to what
God wants for our own good.

How can we know if the three powers of our soul are
already in order in the divine manner? The great sign is: we are always
peaceful and thru this we become joyful, always thinking positive and
confident in any situations. How can we exercise this in our ordinary
lives? Below are the steps to follow:

1) Do the five steps of the consecration to the Divine Will.
2) Always call God's Will in all our acts.
3) Believe that whatever good intentions we need we already have it.
4) Use our imagination by visualizing on what we asked we already have
it in the present moment.
5) We have to feel the emotion at the present moment of having what we
already asked and received.
6) We have to thank God in advance in the present moment
of what He had given us.

All of these pointers above are driven by the three powers of our soul.
If we will use them thru the Divine Will we will inspire God to give
to us answers to our prayers and blessings to our lives. We will attract
all the blessings to come to us from His Will. We will always live
an abundant, joyful and peaceful lives.

To do this effectively it is important to always live in the present
moment not worriyng about the future and not dwelling in the past. Do
not think negative but always think with the Divine Will to live a
positive, abundant and peaceful life.

Have a blessed day!

God bless,
bro. Jude

Divine Will Knowledge:

Divine Life Is Now:

My Peace Inspired Paintings:

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Live In The Moment With Love

Happy Easter! Glory and praise
to the resurrection of Jesus Christ!

How are you doing? Hope and pray that all is well with you!
This time I would like to take the opportunity to ask
ourselves on how are we doing in living the Will of God?

Are you at peace or anxious at this moment? Are you bothered
of something that happened in the past? Are you fearful of
something that might happen in the future? Are you enjoying
with love your work or house activities at this very moment?
Are you concern about yourself or are you concern about the
needs of others? Are you filled with the inspiration to love
your neighbor, your friend, your husband, your
wife, etc?


Contemplate on these questions above
and we will be able to know if we are living
in God's Will at the moment.

The greatest advise Jesus wants to give us is....
Live always in the present moment with love.
Do not worry about the future or the past. Jesus
is presenting to us His Divine Will in every present

Why the present? The present is the true essence
of His Divine Will. The present is where we can embrace
the Eternal Now (the Single Point-Alpha and Omega). In
order to embrace this, we have to enjoy it with LOVE in
the present, even if we are encountering difficulties
at the moment. If we do it with Love we will find Jesus
in our pains and we will find ourselves living in His Will.
All will be good!!! Doing so we will be confirmed
with His Resurrection.



Lesson About Peace
The greatest sign to know if we are living the moment
in the Divine Will is PEACE.

Book Of Heaven Vol. #7
September 18, 1906

Peace is light for the soul, light for her neighbor
and light for God.

Jesus said:

......."peace is light for the soul, light for her
neighbor and light for God. Therefore a soul who is
at peace is always light, and being light, she is
always united to the Eternal Light from which she
draws ever new light so as to be able to give light
to others also. So if you want ever
new light be at peace."


Have a blessed day!

God bless,
bro. Jude

Divine Will Knowledge:

Divine Life Is Now:

My Peace Inspired Paintings: