Friday, June 19, 2009

You Are The Light Of The World!

How are you doing? Have we applied the knowledge
we have learned since then? Jesus is teaching us
to digest the knowledge we've learned before.
Do you remember what we have learned so far in
Living in His Will? Below is an additional
knowledge we have to be aware of.

Have you ever notice that when a person says to you,
"your presence makes me feel peaceful and happy"...
"you became an instrument to comfort me in my problems"...
"I feel comfortable to be around you"...

This is because if we live in the Divine Will we
become the instrument of God's help, light, happiness,
etc. to others. Not only in the external way but
also in the spiritual way, likewise, not only to
ourselves but also to the whole world.

Jesus said in the Book Of Heaven
volume 12, Page 223 Oct. 12, 1920:

Who Lives In The Divine Will Is In The Same
Position As Jesus Of Giving Light And Heat
To Everyone, While No One Except Jesus Can
Give Him Anything.

..."So it happens to who lives in my Volition.
Putting herself in my conditons, and the Sun
of my Volition being in her, it is she who must
give light, heat, help, reassurance and comfort.
Thus I alone am your help; and you, from within
my Volition, will help the others."



Worries, fears, resentments and other
forms of negativities are hindrances to
enter the life in the Divine Will.

Are you worried at this moment? Embrace
the present moment with Jesus and you will
be at peace! In the present moment there
is no problem only peace.

The best way to avoid negativities is by living
in the present moment with love and accepting whatever
situation is presented to us at that moment. The present
is where we embrace the eternal NOW (the Divine Will)
of God. There is no fear of the future or the past in
the "NOW". There is no problem in the present.
Peace alone is experience!

Thanks and God bless!

God bless,
bro. Jude

Divine Will Knowledge:

Divine Life Is Now:

My Peace Inspired Paintings: